Our Site is Now Live!

Woot! I finally got this web site posted and I guess you can call this post a test post to be sure everything is working. Be sure to check around the site to see what I am all about. You can visit the news section to see general posts I make around the site. The games section will list out all current project that are in development. Some project will be free, and others commercial. Also, we share any resources we happen to create. You can visit our resources section to download and use our materials. Most of our materials are free to use commercially but others not so much. Make sure you read the licenses attached to each material. You can read more about our terms in the terms of use section. The about page consists of stuff about what we do and why we do it (all websites have them). Finally, if you need to get in touch with me directly, you can visit the contact section for details on reaching me.